About Us

SPORTS1 Director Mr. Shashi
SPORTS1 Head Coach Mr.Shashi
SPORTS 1 Assistant coaches Mrs. Usha N, Mr. Nagesh.AR.

Since 2007, Sports1 Table Tennis Academy is running Systematically, Effectively and Successfully. Thousands of students have been benefitted from the coaching and are fully satisfied.

Mission of Sports1

Providing Coaching and Non Coaching for all age category Sport lovers and encourage hidden Talent, Interest and Strengthening Health, Fitness. Recreation and to Perform professionally, with good Infrastructural and Quality coaching.

Sports 1

Benefits Of Playing Table Tennis


A 2006 report in the Los Angeles Times says that a 150-Pound person can burn 272 Calories by playing table tennis for an Hour. It helps Cardiovascular system and improves Overall Fitness level, It reduces Hypertension and keeps the blood vessel from Clogging, Playing Table Tennis regularly Increases the levels of HDL, It promotes the activity of the Bone Forming Cells and help in the Assimilation of Calcium in the Bone Matrix, thereby Strengthening it, One of the common problems is Osteoporosis, can easily sustain fractures because of reduced bone strength to withstand stress and injury found especially in the Elderly and Women after Menopause, This disease can be Prevented or Delayed by regularly playing Table Tennis, It Decreases the production of Sugar by liver and reduces risk of Diabetes, It is perfect for those people who are recovering from Sports Injuriges, Joint Problems, etc, Playing Table Tennis regularly, improves Toning and strengthening the Core Muscles, upper and lower body, It's great for working up a Sweat and increasing your Heart Rate, helps to keep Heart strong and healthy while running around the table and Breathing oxygen becomes much Heavier, Faster and Deeper, this increasesLung Capacity, Gross and fine muscle movements are improved by bursts of Exertion and Recovery, In a book, Amen calls table tennis the best brain sport. "The clear increase in motor skills and cognitive awareness from playing table tennis is Significant, if not remarkable, in its unique benefit for Brain Disease Patients", Table tennis sees numerous beneficial Physical Effects like; Improves Sleeping Patterns, Increases Cerebral Blood Flow, better co-ordination and upper body strength, it keeps you Feeling Well, Strong, Motivated, Enthusiastic and Young, It lowers the Risk of death by about 23% in the subsequent 20 Years and improves Longevity by at least 2 Years, It protects from heart disease, Especially Heart Attacks, Even people with Pre-Existing Heart Disease can Benefit by playing Table Tennis within their endurance levels under Medical Supervision and Advise.


Table tennis improves Reflex, Eye-Hand Co-Ordination, Mental Alertness, Speed Of Movement, Balance, Control over Emotions, and Fast Decision Making Abilities, Table tennis can slow the process of Cognitive Decline that occurs with Ageing, Playing Table Tennis is like gaining Great Aerobic Exercise, Terrific Company, Feel Younger, Make you more Limber, Great Fun, Dependable Schedule, Plenty Of Opportunity, and mainly Inexpensive, Playing table tennis increases Agility and Flexibility, It improves Cardio Respiratory fitness, sense of well-being, Mood and Self Esteem, It helps in raising the Stamina and Endurance. It boosts Flexibility and Speed. The constant range of motion tones Legs, Buttocks, Arms, Shoulders, Back and Stomach develops Strength and Power on the legs and arms; it develops patience, Discipline and confidence consequently.

Mind Oriented

Table tennis is not only related to the physical activity even it develops mental and intellectual activities too, It's Aerobic as it uses both upper and lower body to use many different areas of the Brain, Improves Mobility and Mental Health, As you get older, Table Tennis is good for the brain, It stimulates Mental Alertness, Brain Function, Concentration and Tactical and Logical Thinking Skills, uses many different areas of the brain as you are tracking the ball, Planning Shots, Strategies, and figuring out Spin, Activates various areas of the Brain simultaneously, Awareness is Stimulated, Decisions have to be made in a Fraction Of Second. This increases concentration level, short term memory and decision making ability. Boosts hormone levels and keeps the Brain Young, The speed, spin and placement of the ball are crucial, helps in both Creating and Solving Puzzles; it helps to ward off Depression, Anxiety and Stress.


There is no heavy playing equipment in use and the risk of Injury and Falls is significantly lower, It offers players an opportunity to Indulge in Fast Movements without straining the Joints, There is a lot of Thinking, Planning, and Strategising going on the court, all of which helps keep the old grey matter active, It makes the perfect game for Young People to Sharpen Reflexes, and for Older People to Refine Tactics, People of all ages and fitness levels Enjoy playing Table Tennis, Improves Reflexes due to fast-paced nature over very short distances, Table tennis is called "High-Speed Chess", thus many professional sports person play table tennis during the off-season to improve the Skills, Playing at the Higher Levels, it's one of the Fastest Sports around.

Relative Factors

Table tennis offers a great way to Bond with people, As Young and Old people can play the game, it helps to improve Communication and build Relationships, irrespective of age, It helps people meet new Acquaintances and builds Leaderships as well as Team Skills, Playing at Home with Siblings or Parents can bring family members Closer and enable them to spend more Quality Time with each other, TABLE TENNIS is a medium through which People Connect, A fun tool that Empowers older people to take control, and encourages communities to interact.

Necessity Of Playing Table Tennis

Game is recreation. In today's situation, there is shortage of space for playing any games especially cricket, football, badminton, etc. When any of these games are played in front of the house, neighbours start complaining and sometimes the seasons too wouldn't allow us to play. For these reasons we can't stop playing games. If all the members of the house know to play Table Tennis, then it would be so easy to play within the house whenever the family members have the convenient time. It develops health, fitness, performance and recreation easily. Watching TV, playing video games or computer games make our brain dull, also hamper ones physical ability and growth but when played during that period within the house, creates bonding and good relationships.

We require coaching on Table Tennis because

It helps to learn in a systematic, easy method, scientifically, tactically strategically, and skilful playing.